Missionaries - Retired

Ronald "Ron" & Nancy
The Johnson Family
Retired | Served in:
Cruz, CE - Brazil
Birthdays: April 28 and October 30
Field: transitioning from rural Ceará to the United States
Academic history: Ron
Appalachian Bible College (West Virginia)
Three-year course in Bible
Davis College (Johnson City, New York)
Three-year course in Bible and music
Began further studies in 2019
Email: ronnancyjohnson@gmail.com
We are so thankful for the opportunity to serve the Lord in Northeast Brazil since 1983. Our experiences have been rich and varied. Many times, serving at the Pedra Branca Bible Church, our first ministry, found us holding evangelistic open air meetings in out of the way places, or visiting simple mud-brick houses full of people on mountain trails, in addition to our work in the town itself.
Years later working on the outskirts of Fortaleza at the Jereissati 1 Bible Baptist Church, the city streets were crowded and we were reminded of how our Lord Jesus had compassion on the multitudes.
Throughout the years, we have served in several churches, cared for our mission’s guest house, taught several years at Antioch Bible Institute and begun a hospital ministry among other things.
We are presently visiting churches in the US and transitioning into retirement, but plan to keep active in ministry.
-The Johnsons