BGFM Global develops projects for the worldwide spread of the Gospel.

The Maranatha Seminary and Bible Institute (SIBIMA) has taught sound Biblical theology since 1949, equipping servants for God's harvest field.
Carolina University (USA)

Carolina University (previously Piedmont International University) aims to provide a well-rounded education based on Biblical principles to produce servant leaders who effectively teach and communicate Bible truth.
Bible Seminary of the South

The Southern Biblical Seminary, in the city of Novo Hamburgo, seeks to teach the authoritative Word revealed by God Himself. We are training pastors and leaders for the future of the church in south Brazil.
Aubrey Clark (CE)

The Aubrey Clark Institute is designed for students having a bachelor's degree who desire to pursue additional Biblical studies.
Antioch Bible Institute

The Antioch Bible Institute, located in the northwest region of the state of Ceará, has for several decades faithfully taught the Holy Scriptures.
Thompson Biblical Theological Seminary

Thompson Biblical Theological Seminary is a conservative institution, founded March 1, 1968, in the city of Umuarama, PR. It is affiliated with the Union of Biblical Fundamental Congregational Churches of Brazil-UICFB.
Clarks Summit (USA)

BGFM partners with Clarks Summit University, which has developed a program to provide Brazilians easier access to Ph.D. courses in Biblical studies.
Hope Bible Institute

Hope Bible Institute was established to provide conservative theological education in the city of Maceió, Alagoas.
Biblical Evangelization Seminary

For increased knowledge of the Word of God, the Biblical Evangelization Seminary offers lectures, seminars, modules and other resources for growth in all areas of knowledge.
Church Planting
“Sing to the Lord, bless his name;
tell of his salvation from day to day.
Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous works among all the peoples!”
Psalm 96:2-3
Below are the vision 2050 Action Steps which seek intentional expansion in every field of the Mission:
Strategic Planting
Advanced Planning
Survey Trips
Key Locations
Strategic Preparing
Education Partnerships
Regional Ministry Training Institutes
Online Training Courses
Strategic Printing
Evangelism Materials
Discipleship Materials
Leadership Training Materials
Strategic Recruiting
Colleges & Seminaries
Invitational Survey Trips
Strategic Investing
Funding National Church Planters
Funding Training Ministries
We are committed to making disciples of all nations, beginning with Portuguese-speaking populations.
We envision significantly impacting the spread of the Gospel by forming multi-national church-multiplying teams which: make disciples, develop leaders, and plant churches all around the world.
Vision 2050 within Brazil
1. Expansion & multiplication in ALL of our fields
2. Advancement into:
State of Piauí by 2022
Uragaiana in RS by 2023
State of Minas Gerais by 2025
State of Rio de Janeiro by 2025
State of Mato Grosso
State of Goias
German populations
Italian populations
Japanese populations
Vision 2050 Internationally
Western Cuba by 2021
Mozambique by 2022
Japan by 2024
Portugal to Spain by 2025
Brazilian populations in USA by 2027
Southern Brazil to Uruguay and Argentina by 2028
Germany by 2030
Angola by 2030
Italy by 2035
Six remaining Portuguese speaking nations by 2040
Muslim populations by 2050
Global Outreach
BGFM Global views Brazil as a country with great missionary-producing potential. We desire to train and send missionaries from Brazil to other countries needing the Gospel of Christ.
Some target regions are Europe, South America, Africa, and the Middle East. As God opens doors, we envision further expansion as well. The scope of BGFM Global has already reached the following fields:
Grande Lisboa - Pr. Adil and Érica Reis
Mercosul: (field survey being conducted)
Interior of Argentina, Uruguai (near Brazilian border), Paraguai, Venezuela
Support Ministries
Our mission teams stand ready to assist the national church through various types of ministry.
Organizing and running a Christian school
Organizing and running a Seminary or Bible Institute
Library training
Training for writing and publishing Christian Education material
Training for Sunday School teachers
Training for children’s ministry (VBS, Bible teaching in public schools)
Training for women’s ministry
Family conference
Home schooling support
Support for parents who have lost children
Music conference
Choir and orchestra training
English teaching evangelism
Sports evangelism
Hospital evangelism
Internet evangelism
Evangelism and discipleship of children
Church planting in one’s own country
Cross-cultural church planting