Missionaries - Brazil

Phil & Rachel
The Stucky Family
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Joined BGFM Global: September 1979
Sending church: Emmanuel Bible Church
Phil Stucky
First ministry: pastor of outreach
(September 1979 - June 1980)
Field: Fortaleza, Ceará (1980 - 2005); Maceió, Alagoas (2006 - 2008); Greater Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul (2009 - 2020); Florianópolis, Santa Catarina (2021)
Academic History:​
Corban University
Bachelor’s in History -
Dallas Theological Seminary
Master’s in Biblical Studies -
Western Conservative Baptist Seminary
Master’s in Theology -
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Doctorate in Cross-Cultural Studies
How He Serves:
Church planting and pastoring
Leadership training
Missions conferences
Family conferences
Discipleship conferences
Seminary classes
E-mail: philipstucky@gmail.com
Rachel Stucky
Academic History:​
Corban University
Associate of Arts
How she serves:
Children’s ministry
Women’s ministry
Classes of raising children
Evangelism and Discipleship
E-mail: philandrachelstucky@gmail.com
Philip and Rachel Stucky both accepted Christ as their Savior at a young age and were open to the Lord’s leading in their lives, attending Western Baptist College in Salem, Oregon, to better prepare themselves to serve Him. They met and were married in Salem, on April 7, 1979, after which they went to Dallas Theological Seminary, where Philip received his Master of Arts degree in Biblical Studies. They returned to Salem, Oregon, where Philip was Pastor of Outreach at Heritage Baptist Fellowship for a year. They were accepted as missionaries with the BGFM Global in 1979, arriving in Fortaleza, Brazil, in 1980. Philip continued his studies at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon, where he received a Master of Arts degree in Theology, and more recently a Doctor of Ministry degree in Cross-Cultural Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Boston.
They have 3 grown sons: Andrew, Luke and Mark. Andrew completed his studies at Oregon State University in computer programming and married Erin Gardner on July 8, 2006; they have four children, Nathan, Kara, Ryan, and Caleb, and live in Salem. Luke is a salesman for Day Heating Company and married Amanda Olsen on December 15, 2007; they have three children, Levi, Caden, and Sadie, and also reside in Salem. Mark completed his studies at the Masters College and Seminary and married Jessica Crabb on July 31, 2010. They have three sons, Samuel, James, and Benjamin, and are serving the Lord as missionaries with the BGFM in south Brazil.
After 25 years of ministry in Fortaleza and 3 years of ministry in Maceió training leaders and planting churches, they formed their ministry team and moved to south Brazil in 2009 with the desire of launching a multiplying church movement. They ministered in the Porto Alegre metro area and coordinated the planting of churches in five cities. In 2016 the ministry was expanded into Florianopolis, the capital city of the neighboring state of Santa Catarina. They moved to the Florianopolis metro area in 2021 to assist in planting churches and training leaders there. They desire to train south Brazilians to plant churches as well as impact their European motherland for Christ. They would appreciate your prayers on their behalf for wisdom and effectiveness in their ministry roles.