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Missionaries - Brazil

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Mark & Jess

The Stucky Family
Sapiranga, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Mark is a third-generation missionary to Brazil and graduate of the Master’s Seminary (2013). He, his wife Jess, and their three sons are currently serving in Sapiranga, a suburb of Porto Alegre in Southern Brazil. This area of 4.5 million people is dominated by cultural Catholicism, cultural Lutheranism, and Spiritism; with evangelicals representing only one percent.


They moved to the mission field in May of 2015, after attending and serving at EVFree Church of the Canyons (Santa Clarita, CA) for 10 years. During their first term, Mark pastored the Campo Bom church, while leading an evangelistic home Bible Study in their target city of Sapiranga. October 2018 was an exciting moment as they launched their first church plant, Ministério Bíblico de Sapiranga (MBS) with a core group of 20 believers.


They are also thankful to partner with the new seminary (Seminario Biblico do Sul) that officially began in 2017. Church planting and leadership training must go hand in hand, and are at the very heart of what they believe God has called them to do in southern Brazil.

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