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Missionaries - Brazil


Kelso & Karen Clark

Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil

Joined BGFM Global: August 2014


Sending church: Igreja Batista Manancial (Manancial Baptist Church) in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil




Regional Coordinator for the Northeastern Region


First ministry: worship minister and associate pastor of Igreja Batista Manancial (Manancial Baptist Church) in May 1993


How he serves:

  • Missions conferences

  • Eschatology conferences

  • Church music and philosophy conferences

  • Modular classes in seminaries and Bible institutes.


Academic History:

  • Universidade Federal do Ceará (Federal University of Ceará)
    Bachelor’s in Social Communication

  • Central Baptist Seminary
    Master’s of Theology


Field: seminaries, Bible institutes, and churches in various cities with home base in Fortaleza








Brazilian Website Administrator


First ministry: one of the English club coordinators at Igreja Batista Manancial (Manancial Baptist Church) in August 1991


Academic History:

  • APEC (Child Evangelism Fellowship in Brazil)
    Evangelism and Discipleship of Children Course

  • Associação Brasileira de Conselheiros Bíblicos (Brazilian Association of Biblical Counselors) and Seminário e Instituto Bíblico Maranata (Maranatha Seminary & Bible Institute)
    Biblical Counseling Course

  • Universidade Federal do Ceará (Federal University of Ceará)
    Bachelor’s in Administration with specialization in University Management
    Master’s in Administration and Accounting


How she serves:

  • Website:

  • Evangelism through English

  • Lectures on social media (means of evangelism, risks to emotional and spiritual health)

  • Lectures on dating for adolescents and youth

  • Lectures on professional decisions for adolescents and youth





Kelso received Christ as his Savior at the age of 17. He served in Manancial Baptist Church for 14 years as Assistant Pastor (focused on music). However, he understood that the Lord wanted to use him in a new direction so he decided to pursue a Master's degree in Theology (at Central Baptist Seminary, MN), which concluded in 2014. He then got involved with BGFM Global, equipping Christians through biblical and theological teaching in seminaries and Bible institutes, as well as in Church Conferences. This ministry started officially in January 1st, 2016, and the Lord has been opening many doors since then - not only in Fortaleza, but in other cities as well. Nowadays he is also teaching at Seminário e Instituto Bíblico Maranata.


Karen was saved at the age of 9. She has a Master degree in Administration and has been working in this area since 2004. For ministry, she attended courses on evangelism and discipleship of children (Child Evangelism Fellowship - CEF) and Bible Counseling (Seminário e Instituto Bíblico Maranata - Sibima, Ceará). She served her local church (Manancial Baptist Church) for many years, especially in the area of evangelism. Now she prepares classes and speeches to teenagers about their challenges ( and helps Missionaries to use internet tools. She has been cooperating with CEF (in Fortaleza) in maintaining their blog, as well as the Brazilian BGFM Global site ( Her site Fala Sapiens [] aims to share the Good News of Salvation attracting internet users to its various subjects.

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