How can you help?

BGFM Global publishes a prayer guide each month, with requests from our missionaries and ministries, both in Brazil and here in the US. We mail to over 400 individuals and churches, and we email to over 300.
To begin receiving our prayer guide,
Please type "Prayer Letter" in the subject line.
If you are currently on our Prayer and Praise mailing list and would like to help us cut mailing costs by receiving our monthly Prayer Letter through e-mail please contact us at the same e-mail above with Prayer Letter in the subject line.
Personal Contact
You can uplift missionaries through special personal expressions such as letters, email, and personal visits. Contact our Home Office for more information.
Financial Support​
Each missionary under BGFM Global is a faith missionary and is responsible to raise his/her own financial support from churches and God's people. This includes salary, housing, travel, ministry funds, taxes, health insurance, and retirement. Each member of a missionaries' support team is a vital part of the church planting team.
BGFM Global is a non-denominational faith mission, supported by free-will offerings and contributions of churches, groups, and individuals.