Missionaries - Retired
Joe & Jeanie
The Stucky Family
Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
E-mail: jnjstucky@gmail.com
Joe was born in Monroe, Washington and Jeanie was born is Huron, South Dakota. Both of them grew up in Christian homes, accepted Christ as their Savior as children and began serving in ministry in their churches at a young age.
Joe and Jeanie met at Grace Bible Institute (Later Grace University) in Omaha, NE. Jeanie graduated in 1963 and they were married that summer. Joe continued his studies and graduated in 1966. Before they were married they had both dedicated their lives to missions and were especially interested in South America. During Joe’s senior year, he heard a presentation by a missionary from BGFM Global and invited him to their home to meet Jeanie. After visiting with him in their home, Joe and Jeanie prayed about this together and had assurance that God was calling them to serve in Brazil. They sent in their application and were accepted by BGFM Global in 1966.
After graduation Joe, Jeanie and 18 month old Debbie packed all of their earthly possessions into their car and began their deputation ministry. One year later on June 22, 1967 they arrived in Brazil.
Joe and Jeanie have been involved in church planting ministry ever since finishing language school. They also both taught classes at the Antioch Bible Institute in an interior village in Ceará for several years. During that time they founded Silver Lake Bible Camp.
Joe managed the construction of the camp and together, they directed the camp program for 17 years. Their children were also very much involved with them in the camping program. In 1994, they moved to Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte. There they are working together with their 2 sons and their wives in the Christ is Life Church and the Alpha Educational Center.
Please pray that God would use them to make a difference that will last for all eternity in the lives of the church people as well as the students at Alpha, their families and staff members.
Joe and Jeanie have three married children—Deb, Ken and Ron. Deb Dick and her husband, Sam serve with Avant and are currently working at the training center and guest house in Kansas City, MO. Ken and Lori and Ron and Ranelle serve in Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

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School Mossoro: