Missionaries - Brazil
Victor & JoAnna Souza
Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil
Academic history:
Victor: Bachelor's in Theology from Seminário Teológico Bíblico Thompson
JoAnna: Bachelor's in Bible and Music from Calvary Bible College
Victor's Birthday: December 27th
JoAnna's Birthday: March 1st
Anniversary: February 15th
Email: jo_christtoconquista@live.com
Victor and JoAnna Souza serve the Lord through church planting in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. Along with David and Debbie Thompson, they serve at the Primavera church plant. There, Victor helps with teaching, preaching, evangelism and discipleship. JoAnna helps with teaching women and children, discipleship and music. Together they direct a weekly kids' club similar to AWANA. In addition to his ministries at the Primavera congregation, Victor teaches at the local Bible college.
JoAnna has been serving in Brazil since 2011. She met Victor in 2013 when she arrived in Vitória da Conquista to begin her ministry after raising support. Victor approached JoAnna about a relationship in 2017, and through the Lord's leading it became clear that they should be married and serve the Lord together in ministry. This happened in 2020. Victor joined BGFM Global that same year; he and JoAnna look forward to many years of joyful service to the Lord as He leads.
-Victor and JoAnna