Missionaries - Retired

Jim (& Margaret) Crady
Retired | Served in:
Fortaleza, CE - Brazil
We arrived in Brazil in 1952 with our 18 month old daughter, Judy.
From 1952-1955 we studied the Portuguese language in Sobral and filled in for furloughing missionaries in Sobral and Santa Quiteria. Stephen, and twins Donald & Dennis were born.
From 1956-1970 we served as Directors of the Mission Guest House in Fortaleza.
Then from 1970-1974 we served as Executive Secretary of the Mission in Springfield, IL.
From 1974-1994 we worked in the accounting area of the mission in Springfield.
We retired in 1994, but Jim continued to do volunteer work in the accounting area, landscaping and care of flowers at the home office of the mission three mornings a week until January of 2017.
Margaret went home to be with the Lord in 2022.