Missionaries - Retired

Jerry & Bev
The Lehrman Family
Vila Paraguay, Ceará, Brazil
Joined BGFM Global: 1985
We officially became a part of BGFM Global in September of 1985, and arrived in Northeast Brazil on October 27, 1986.
From October 1986 to February 1988 we spent our time studying Portuguese in language school.
February 1988 to April 1989 saw us serving in the city of Mombaça, caring for the Bible church while co-workers Paul and Elaine Syers were on furlough.
April 1989 to May 1991 we ministered in the mission guest home in Fortaleza.
July 1991 to 1993 we helped at Silver Lake Bible Camp in Poço Doce and from 1993 to 1999 Jerry served as Director of the Silver Lake Bible Camp.
Since December 1999, we have been ministering and teaching at the Antioch Bible Institute in rural Ceara. From 2005 until the present, Jerry has served as the Director of ABI. We have seen many young men going into the pastorate, young men and young women serving as church workers, and numerous serving as missionaries to unreached parts of Brazil and foreign countries as well. The great majority of those who have studied at the Antioch Bible Institute have gone into full-time Christian service.
Since 2018, we have been “phasing out” of the ministry at Antioch Bible Institute. The ABI Board of Directors is comprised of Brazilian pastors and church leaders; all but one of them is a graduate of ABI. These men are responsible for the planning and executing of the daily activities and schedules of the school. As we still live in close proximity to the school, Jerry continues to help with maintenance.
It is a privilege for us to also be a part of the church-planting ministries here in Brazil, encouraging and teaching Brazilian believers and reaching out to those who don’t know Christ as Savior. We pastored the Sambaiba Bible Church for ten years, and many of our ABI students gained leadership skills as they ministered alongside of us in this church. At present, we are serving in our local church, Paraguai Bible Church, helping in evangelism and discipleship, and teaching in the weekly Children’s Bible Club, as well as in the music ministry. We are presently preparing to teach weekly Bible Classes in area public schools.
All four of our children were born in Brazil and are Brazilian citizens. Patrice, our first-born, lives and works in Buhler, Kansas. Our second daughter, Angie, her husband Isaac Stanley, and our two-year-old granddaughter, Talitha, are at home in Hot Springs, South Dakota, where Isaac is the Associate Pastor at Calvary Baptist Church. Our youngest daughter, Melissa, married Logan Muhs, on May 18, 2019, and they live and work in McPherson, Kansas. Jared--our only son and the youngest of the four—is in his second year at Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, Florida.