Missionaries - Brazil

Hélio & Shirlei
The Souza Family
Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Hélio Souza
How he serves:
Church planting in Vale do Paranhana
Serving in Taquara
Professor at Seminário Bíblico do Sul (Bible Seminary of the South)
Academic History:
SIBIMA (Maranatha Seminary and Bible Institute)
Bachelor’s in Pastoral Studies -
Kurius, recognized by Universidade Federal do Ceará (Federal University of Ceará)
Bachelor’s in Philosophy -
Piedmont International University
Master’s in Ministry (in progress)
E-mail: prheliobgfm@gmail.com
Shirlei Souza
How she serves:
Church planting in Vale do Paranhana
Serving in Taquara
Professor at Seminário Bíblico do Sul (Bible Seminary of the South)
Academic History:
SIBIMA (Maranatha Seminary and Bible Institute)
Bachelor’s in Christian Education -
Kurius, recognized by Universidade Federal do Ceará (Federal University of Ceará)
Bachelor’s in Philosophy -
Universidade Vale do Acaraú (Vale do Acaraú University)
Teaching license -
Faculdade Plus (Plus College)
Specialization in Psychopedagogy
Piedmont International University
Master’s in Ministry (in progress)
E-mail: shirlei.bgfm@gmail.com
Click image to view prayer card.
Pr. Francisco Hélio and Shirlei have four children: David (20 years), Dayana (18 years), Debora (8 years), and Lidia (6 years). They have been serving in the pastoral ministry for 9 years.
Pr. Hélio has served as president of Aibic (Association of 71 Bible Churches in Northeastern Brazil) since 2008. Both Helio and Shirlei are professors at Sibima (Maranata Bible Institute and Seminary), and have been since 2008. They have begun sharing the Ministry “Reaching the South of Brazil” since September, 2015 and have already shared in various churches in Ceará, Brazil and the United States with the goal of having the needed support to move by the end of 2016 and work full time in church planting in Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, a city in the Southern region of the country, a region extremely needy of the gospel.
They count on your prayers.