Missionaries - Brazil
George Harmon & Eunice
Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil
Birthdays: February 16 (George) & December 15 (Eunice)
How He Serves:​ ​
Igreja Bíblica de Araçatuba (Araçatuba Bible Church) - pastor
Acampamento Harmonia (Harmony Camp) - director
E-mail: pr_georgeh@hotmail.com

Having formerly served with the Brazil Inland Mission, Inc, George and Eunice Harmon joined BGFM Global on September 27, 2018.
George was born to missionary parents, Charles & Ruth Harmon, and grew up in Aracatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil. At age 16, George accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. He prayerfully decided to serve the Lord in full-time ministry and received his training at Moody Bible Institute and Calvary Bible College & Theological Seminary. He met Eunice at the Bible Institute in Brazil and was married in 1977. The couple adopted four children, now grown.
George and his departed brother, John, co-founded the Bible Seminary of Evangelization, as well as the Aracatuba Bible Church in 1972; George is the pastor of the church presently. Harmony Camp was founded by him in 1999 with the help of brethren in the USA – land was purchased and buildings constructed – and a thriving camp ministry is in place today. George is very involved as a pastor, teacher at the Seminary, counselor, youth leader, and overseeing the camp ministry.
"Our main purpose is to preach and teach Christ with joy, with the objective of making disciples and glorifying God."