We appreciate your support!
Financial Support​
Each missionary under BGFM Global is a faith missionary and is responsible to raise his/or her own financial support from churches and God's people. This includes salary, housing, travel, ministry funds, taxes, health insurance, and retirement. Each member of a missionaries' support team is a vital part of the church planting team.
BGFM Global is a non-denominational faith mission, supported by free-will offerings and contributions of churches, groups, and individuals.

Make a donation online through PayPal:
Simply click the yellow Donate button on any missionary page. An alphabetical directory can be found here.
Please note: there is a 2% PayPal fee charged for each PayPal donation
Electronic Funds Transfer:
If you would like to have your monthly donations electronically transferred directly from your bank account to BGFM Global, please call the Home Office, or print and fill out the EFT Application Form. Either mail or email the completed form to the Home Office.
Send in a check or money order:
Checks or money orders can be sent directly to our home office.
Fill out this form and send the donation to this address:
BGFM Global
PO Box 355
Springfield, IL 62705-0355
When we receive a gift from you, we will prepare a detailed receipt and e-mail (our preferred method, when e-mail is provided) or mail it to you.
If you wish to continue making donations, simply return the slip at the bottom of the receipt with your next check. (You should retain the top portion for income tax purposes.)
Make all checks payable to: BGFM Global
We will make sure your donation gets to the missionary or ministry that you have designated and will send you a receipt confirming it.