Missionaries - Brazil

David & Debbie
The Thompson Family
Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil
Birthdays: April 3 (David), June 13 (Debbie)
Anniversary: June 16, 1984
Joined BGFM Global: December 1989
Sending church: Blue River Bible Church
Member of Executive Committee
Academic History:​ Calvary University in Kansas City, Missouri Bachelor’s in Theology (Biblical Studies)
How He Serves:
Seminário Teológico Bíblico Thompson (Thompson Biblical Theological Seminary) - teacher of missions, evangelism, and biblical analysis
Church planting in Bairro Primavera in Conquista
E-mail: daviddebbie3@yahoo.com

Having formerly served with the Brazil Inland Mission, Inc, David and Debbie joined BGFM Global on September 27, 2018.
David is the son of BIM’s founding missionaries, Robert and Alice Thompson. Debbie is the daughter of Charles and Joan Nichols, associated with a life of ministry in missions in Brazil with Baptist Mid-Missions. The couple was married in Saylorville, IA on June 16, 1984 and have been blessed with three children and two grandchildren.
David received his Biblical training from both Moody Bible Institute (1979) and Calvary Bible College & Theological Seminary (1982). Debbie studied at Faith Baptist Bible College (1980). They have served the Lord together since November of 1984 in the city of Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil. David is a church planter, and over the years, has planted several churches and outreaches in that area of Brazil. Other ministries of the Thompsons include evangelism, public school ministry, discipleship, counseling, and teaching in the Thompson Theological Bible College. David is a member of BGFM Global’s Executive Field Council.